The Riga Conference Papers 2011

Before the upcoming Rīga Conference 2011 LATO is proud to introduce additional platform for public debate on foreign policy and security issues that will be at the core of the conference this September 16-17. The Rīga Conference Papers 2011 is a collection of original essays and articles – a contribution of well renowned experts and practitioners with Uffe Elleman-Jensen, Edward Lucas, Konstantin von Eggert, Claus Wittman and many others amongst them.

Feel free to download The Rīga Conference Papers 2011 and share with us your comments at Facebook and Twitter.

The EU strategy for the Baltic sea region: high expectations for a new European model of regional cooperation

by Uffe Ellmeann-Jensen, fmr Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Chairman of Baltic Development Forum

Will the EU have a common policy towards Russia?

by Edward Lucas, International Editor, The Economist

Medvedev in Lisbon: a public relations exercise or a new beginning?

by Konstantin von Eggert, MBE, Independent Political Analyst 

Belarus after sanctions: the lost dictator

by Balazs Jarabik, Associate Fellow, FRIDE (Madrid, Spain)

An Alliance for the 21st century? Reviewing NATO’s New Strategic Concept

by Dr. Klaus Wittmann, Brigadier General (ret.)

Afghanistan: the challenge of 2014

by Peteris Veits, Independent expert on development assistance 

Wider energy perspectives for Baltic countries

by Ramūnas Vilpišauskas, Director of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University

Are Baltic states energy secure?

By Sandis Sraders, Secretary Genera of the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, and Juris Ozoliņš, Energy Expert, frm. Advisor to the EU Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs